- post-mortem 中有连字符吗? Is there a hyphen in post-mortem?
- 我们不确定在单词co-ordination中有没有连字符。 We weren't sure whether there was a hyphen in the word co-ordination.
- 很多单词一开始是有连字符的,但是现在都不用连字符了。 Many words that were originally hyphenated are now written without hyphens.
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 挂在墙上的照片中有两张挂得不正。 Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true.
- 型式:有连绩式环型切片及密式焊接切片。 Types: continuous ring disc and dense teeth welding disc.
- 使用“断字”文本框可以控制连字符在文本中出现的位置和方式。 You can control where and how the hyphens appear in your text by using the Hyphenate dialog box.
- 安排的活动中有一项是插花艺术讲座。 One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging.
- 8、4、4、4和12位数字的分组,各组之间有连线符。 Groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 digits with hyphens between the groups.
- 连字符消除 hyphen drop
- 他昨晚听到的音乐中有几个片段不断地萦绕在他的脑际。 Snatches of that music he heard last night keep running in his mind.
- 标准的风格是使用连字符连接单词,并不是指用大小写来区分。 The standard style is to use hyphens, not character case, to distinguish words.
- 在暴乱中有10起抢劫案和两起纵火案。 During the riot there are ten cases of loot and two of arsons.
- 有连线的两点之间具有连续路径的,用于曲线、集合或表面 having a continuous path between any two points,used of a curve,set,or surface
- 连字符构词法 word formations with hyphen
- 社论暗示在合同案的判决过程中有肮脏交易 The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.
- 名称的其他部分可以包含字母、数字、连字符、下划线和句点。 The rest of the name can contain letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods.
- 他在那一排高级排屋中有一栋房子。 He has a house in a fashionable terrace.
- 有连线的两点之间具有连续路径的.用于曲线、集合或表面. "Having a continuous path between any two points. Used of a curve, set, or surface."
- 产品密钥为25个字符的字母数字字符串,每五个字符为一组,并由连字符分隔。 It is a 25-character alphanumeric string, grouped in sets of five characters separated by hyphens.